Chapter VII — Being church together: On the way to unity

The Rev. Stephen London is an Anglican priest at St. Thomas parish in Sherwood Park Alberta, one of the founding churches involved in the 28-years-strong Strathcona County Ecumenical Mission. Stephen tells us the story of this venerable initiative. Le Révérend Stephen London, prêtre anglican, travaille à la paroisse Saint-Thomas de Sherwood Park (Alberta), une des […]

Chapter IV — Breakfast table ecumenism: From friendship to action

Meeting monthly in Montreal since 2003, the Theology Breakfast Club (TBC) now gathers around 12-15 committed Christian members each month. An ecumenical spirit has been at the heart of the group since its inception. Its initial members were drawn from either Concordia University’s Department of Theological Studies (broadly Christian, including faculty and students of various […]

Chapter III — “En Famille” : Ecumenical hospitality

The Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Quebec, Bruce Myers, shares with us this moving narrative of what can be well described as “ecumenical hospitality”. Le récit attachant que nous livre l’évêque anglican du diocèse de Québec Bruce Myers illustre un état d’esprit et un comportement qu’on n’hésitera pas à qualifier d’« hospitalité œcuménique ».

Chapter II — A continual prayer: interchurch families

Kevin and Catherinanne met in the early 1990s at a talk about interchurch marriage held at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Seminary in London, Ontario. Kevin is an Anglican parish priest serving a busy, vibrant congregation. Catherinanne is the Director of Campus Ministry at a Roman Catholic College, and a member of the Canadian Armed Forces […]

Chapter I — Finding Family: Learning Christ Together again

Margaret O’Gara was a Roman Catholic theologian, ecumenist, and Catholic representative on many formal ecumenical dialogues, including ARC Canada. She often spoke and wrote of the ecumenical movement as an experience of rediscovery, and she delighted in recounting instances of long-divided Christians encountering one another in new ways. The ecumenical journey is full of surprises, […]